Saturday, September 8, 2012

Halloween Horror Nights XXI - Part Four

After Winter's Night, we crossed the park and toured Nevermore: The Madness of Poe

The maze was chocked full of detail and referenced most of Poe's famous works

It also contained some comical touches, like the book "Sith Happens", by Maul, on one of the bookshelves

It was extremely difficult to get a clear shot, but this room is based off "The Tell-Tale Heart". It featured the narrator of the story, crouched aside his deceased master's heart, which he just hid in the floorboard. This scene was replicated on the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room, creating a delusional experience.

"The Pit and the Pendulum", another famous story.

This room was based off "The Masque of the Red Death" and featured the title character in the center, on an elevated platform. Guests walked around him, passing multiple archways with quiet dancers - several of which were performers who preceded to jump out at the guests.

Paul posing with one of such dancers, although this one was of the mannequin variety.

This large portrait was of Poe's wife, Virginia, and was actually a scrim. When it was illuminated from the backside, guests could see the hanging body of Virginia hidden behind it.

The infamous one-eyed cat from "The Black Cat", about a man who murders and hides his wife behind the brick in the basement. It's the cat's meow that reveals the crime.

The finale room of the house was practically a glimpse into Poe's deranged mind - warped shapes and objects, bizarre angles, and an overall sense of insanity. A very appropriate tribute to such an author.

Behind-the-scenes look at the third and final house coming up soon.

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